International Discussion Meeting on Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science
Publisher:苏凤梅  Publishing time:2018-09-12   visiting times:173

International Discussion Meeting on Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science

From 3rd to 7th September 2018, at the invitation of Professor Moonhor Ree from Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea, Prof. Liangbin Li attended the 7th Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science (7th SRPS) and made an invitation report titled: Studying structural evolutions of polymers under harsh conditions with in-situ SR techniques. PhD student Qianlei Zhang accompanied Prof. Li attend the meetinggave a wall poster to demonstrate his research work and won the Best Poster Award.

Since the 1st conference was held in 1995, Hamburg, the SRPS conference has become one of the world’s leading international events in the field of synchrotron radiation in polymer science. This conference covers recent advances in the applications of synchrotron radiation in all polymer science areas. The 7th SRPS conference was held at the Hwabaek International Convention Center (HICO), Gyeongju, Korea and provided excellent opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences of synchrotron radiation in polymer and its related materials (composites, nanoparticles, and etc.).

The conference attracted many researchers from around the world to participate. During the meeting, the researches made about 128 reports about the applications of synchrotron radiation in all polymer science areas and had a great discussion about the applications and the related materials. In the poster sessions, participating students showed their research work through posters and discussed with peer scholars around the world. At the last of the meeting, the researches visited the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory and discussed the recent advance of the synchrotron.