Daan Frenkel——professor of the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge visited our school
Publisher:苏凤梅  Publishing time:2018-12-09   visiting times:442

Daan Frenkel——professor of the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge visited our school

On the morning of November 29, 2018, at the invitation of Prof. Li Liangbin of the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, the 2016 Boltzmann Medal winner and Professor of the Department of Chemistry of Cambridge University Daan Frenkel visited the University of Science and Technology of China. He did a lecture in the lecture hall of Building 2, and his topic is  "Phoretic Transport: a challenge for microscopic simulations", chaired by researcher Li Liangbin.

In his talk, he discussed different approach to computing phoretic flows and show what works and what fails, from which elaborated on the importance of microscopically simulated phoretic flows and the challenges encountered in the simulation.

After the lecture, the teachers and students raised some questions about the contents of Professor Daan Frenkel's report. Professor Daan Frenkel gave everyone detailed answers.

Professor Daan Frenkel is a Fellow of the Netherlands Academy of Sciences, a foreign academician of the Royal Society of England, a foreign academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a foreign academician of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Frenkel was born in the Netherlands in 1948 and graduated from the University of Amsterdam. He studied at the FOM Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AFOLM) in the Netherlands from 1987 to 2007. He has been a professor in the Chemistry Department of the University of Cambridge since 2007 and has served as the head of the Department of Chemistry. Professor Frenkel's main research area is computational physics, using computational simulations to make significant contributions to understanding the kinetics, self-assembly, and phase behavior of soft materials (complex macromolecular systems, colloids, and biomolecular systems). He won so many international awards. Based on his innovative work using large-scale computational methods in the field of soft matter condensed matter physics, Professor Frenkel received the most important award in the field of statistical mechanics Boltzmann Medal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) in 2016.