Publisher:苏凤梅 Publishing time:2021-04-25 visiting times:76 |
[1] Chen, X.; Wan, C.; Yu, R.; Meng, L.; Wang, D.; Chen, W.; Duan, T.; Li, L. A novel carboxylated polyacrylonitrile nanofibrous membrane with high adsorption capacity for fluoride removal from water. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 411, 125113

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[4] Iqbal, O.; Habumugisha, J. C.; Feng, S.; Lin, Y.; Chen, W.; Yu, W.; Li, L. Microstructural Origin of the Double Yield Points of the Metallocene Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (mLLDPE) Precursor Film under Uniaxial Tensile Deformation. Polymers 2021, 13, 1, 126

[5] Zhang, W.; Chen, J.; Yan, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Zhao, J.; Wu, T.; Wang, D.; Meng, L.; Chen, W.; Li, L. The formation of crystal cross-linked network in sequential biaxial stretching of poly(ethylene terephthalate): The essential role of MD pre-stretch. Polymer Testing 2021, 96, 107143

[6] Xia, Z.; Zhao, H.; Wang, Y.; Ma, Y.; Wang, X.; Meng, L.; Wang, D.; Sheng, J.; Chen, W. Chain dynamics and crystalline network structure of poly[R-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate] as revealed by solid-state NMR. Soft Matter 2021, 17, 4195-4203

[7] Feng, S.; Lin, Y.; Yu, W.; Iqbal, O.; Habumugisha, J. C.; Chen, W.; Meng, L.; Lu, A.; Li, L. Stretch-induced structural transition of linear low-density polyethylene during uniaxial stretching under different strain rates. Polymer 2021, 226, 123795
