Publisher:苏凤梅  Publishing time:2018-05-30   visiting times:27


 HeNe Laser Quick Start Guide

a . Plug the Alden plug into the supply. Make sure the plug is pushed in all the way. The laser may not lase if the plug is not securely inplace.

b. Insert the interlock connector into the back of the power supply.

c. Connect the AC cord to the powers supply.

d. turn on the laser after opening the shutter in front of the laser.


  1. Make sure the laser is pointing safely away from people towards a beam block ornonreflective surface and is securely mounted. See the manual for proper mounting options.

  2. Open the shutter by sliding the shutter switch to the left.

  3. Turn the key switch on the power supply on. Power light will light up red. There is a 4 to 5 sec CDRH safely delay before the power supply comes on.