Postdoctoral fellow of National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, University of Science and Technology of China. The research interest is to study the structural and dynamic evolution of polymer crystallization and processing by combining synchrotron radiation technology with multi-scale computer simulation technology.
1. 2010-09: 2015-06, University of Science and Technology of China, Polymeric chemistry and physics, PHD, supervisor: Professor Kaifu Luo
2. 2006-09: 2010-06, Anhui Jianzhu University, Polymer material and engineering, Bachelor
1. 2020-07: up to date, University of Science and Technology of China, National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, post doctor,director:Professor Liangbin Li
2. 2017-07: 2020-06, AAC Technologies (Nanjing) Research Institute, Material Model Group, Material researcher
3. 2015-08: 2017-06, Anhui Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection, director assistant
Representative Publications
1. Cui Nie; Fan Peng; Tingyu Xu; Yiwei Ding; Junfang Sheng*; Wei Chen; Liangbin Li*; Biaxial Stretch-Induced Crystallization of Polymers: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study, Macromolecules 54(21), 9794–9803, 2021.
2. Cui Nie; Fan Peng; Tingyu Xu; Junfang Sheng*; Wei Chen; Liangbin Li*; A Unified Thermodynamic Model of Flow-Induced Crystallization of Polymer, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science 39, 1489–1495, 2021.
3. Zhijie Xia; Haoyuan Zhao; Yusong Wang; Yiming Ma; Xiaoliang Wang; Lingpu Meng; Daoliang Wang; Junfang Sheng*; Wei Chen*; Chain dynamics and crystalline network structure of poly[R-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate] as revealed by solid-state NMR, Soft Matter 17(15): 4195-4203, 2021.
4. Junfang Sheng and Kaifu Luo*, Ejection dynamics of a ring polymer out of a nanochannel, Soft Matter 8, 367, 2012.
5. Junfang Sheng and Kaifu Luo*, Chain conformation of ring polymers under a cylindrical nanochannel confinement,Physical Review E 86, 031803, 2012.
6. Junfang Sheng and Kaifu Luo*, Conformation and adsorption transition on an attractive surface of a ring polymer in solution,RSC Advances 5, 2056, 2015.