Soft Matter Intelligent Manufacturing Group focuses on the dynamics and ordering kinetics of soft matter such as polymers and liquid crystals induced by external fields, which are applied during processing or in service life. The aim of our research is to understand and manipulate the “processing-structure-properties” relationship of soft matter. With the advanced in-situ scattering and spectra techniques based on synchrotron radiation and neutron source, the structure evolution from molecular to millimeter scales can be traced under processing and service conditions. Combining experiment and computer simulation, the group provides basic understandings and novel solutions to complex systems in polymer industries.
The Group is headed by Prof. Liangbin Li, a former materials scientist at Unilever. Professor Li rewards “The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars”.
The mission of the Soft Matter Intelligent Manufacturing Group is
1. to study, understand and manipulate the external fields induced ordering of soft materials at different length scales.
2. to educate and train excellent Master and PhD students in the field of soft matter.
3. to support new inventions and provide novel solutions for polymer industries.